Introduction: Hi! I'm Mei Makes . Do you like The Childhood of Malachi Lee ? Do you ever want to read more like it? Well, you're in luck! An Makes and I have together started to write other books too! Three books in all! The Silent Girl, That Math Girl, and The Adventures of Bug Boy and the Treehouse Adventure. Also, Makes Tech Team wrote one book. The Tech Girl. Unfortunately, no more chapters will be coming out for The Tech Girl. All of the links are below. First Up, The Silent Girl The Silent Girl is about Isabella Lee, Malachi Lee's young cousin. (The Silent Girl takes place many years after The Childhood of Malachi Lee.) Isabella's father, as you probably know as Daniel, died during Covid-19. Isabella thinks it's all her fault because she believes that she caused him to die. They were also very close to each other. Isabella is afraid that she will accidentally kill someone else, so she doesn't speak a word until she a...